Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association

  • MEVA usually meets @ 7:00 PM, the last Thurs. of the month

    Room E2-330, Engineering Building, University of Manitoba 15 Gilson Street, Winnipeg, MB Discover how much fun it is to go green! Visitors are always welcome.

  • MEVA 2013 Annual General Meeting

    MEVA will hold its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, November 28th, 2013 at 6 PM. Great Guest Speakers: 1: Robert V. Parsons and Jairo Viafara will present their recent study: Consumer Attitudes About Electric Cars: Pricing Analysis And Policy Implications, which was first presented at the annual Canadian electric vehicle conference in October. This paper […]

  • MEVAFest 2013 – Manitoba’s Festival of Electric Vehicles

    MEVAfest is a public showcase of Electric Vehicles, Technology and Information. EV’s are fun to drive!  Low maintenance.  Run on clean, cheap, abundant and renewable energy (cost about 15 cents/litre to run!).  No tailpipe! Come see the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi i-MiEV and Chevy Volt production EV’s.  See vehicles that have been converted from gas to […]

  • Venue change for June 2013 Meeting

    Our June 27, 2013 MEVA’s monthly meeting will be at Assentworks at 7 pm. Details about the time and place can be found here: The presentation will be a recap of the Winnispeed project that occurred June 10 and 11, 2013. Experience and Lessons Learned. For those unfamiliar with Wikispeed, please see a short […]

  • May Monthly Meeting – Venue Change

    MEVA is pleased to announce that we have been invited to hold our May Monthly Meeting at Red River College in order for us to see and hear information related to the Team Wikispeed project (see Youtube video below).  This session will be of interest to everyone, members of the public are encouraged to attend. […]

  • Telsa Model S to appear at February MEVA meeting!

    Telsa Model S to appear at February MEVA meeting!

    Kyle Friesen, of Steinbach, will be bringing his Model S Signature to the next MEVA (Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association) meeting. It will be held in room 218 of the Plant Science building on the U of M campus. We’ve made arrangements for the car to be indoors for a viewing and presentation by Kyle. The […]

  • MEVA welcomes new Executive Members

    MEVA welcomes new Executive Members

    MEVA held it’s Annual General Meeting on the 6th of December 2012, during which time elections were held for positions being vacated on the Executive.  MEVA wishes to welcome the following members to their new positions: Ed Innes – President Neil Crawford – Vice-President Robert Elms – Member-at-large Secretary Roger Lepinsky and Treasurer Willard Elliott […]

  • MEVA 2012 AGM

    MEVA 2012 AGM

    We are pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting of MEVA for 2012.  It will be held at the Canad Inns Fort Garry, Winnipeg, on Thursday, December 6th.  Guests are welcome to attend, please consider bringing a family member or friend! The doors will be open at 5:30, dinner at 6:00 with the […]

  • MEVAfest 2012 – Manitoba’s Festival of Electric Vehicles

    MEVAfest 2012 – Manitoba’s Festival of Electric Vehicles

    MEVAfest is a public showcase of Electric Vehicles, Technology and Information. EV’s are fun to drive!  Low maintenance.  Run on clean, cheap, abundant and renewable energy (cost about 15 cents/litre to run!).  No tailpipe! Come see the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi i-MiEV and Chevy Volt production EV’s.  See vehicles that have been converted from gas to […]

  • Red River College – Car and Heavy Truck Show 2012

    Red River College – Car and Heavy Truck Show 2012

    A few MEVA members attended the 2012 RRC Car and Heavy Truck show this year and snapped the following pics: Electric Motorcycle (Unknown Owner): Don Himbeault’s 1954 Austin EV conversion and Garth Irwin’s Toyota Rav4: Garth Irwin explains the workings of his Toyota RAV4 e-conversion: Ross Redman’s Mitsubishi i-Miev and Rob McClement’s Mazda Miata e-conversion: A […]

  • March Meeting: you’re invited!

    Would you like to know more about MEVA? Interested in Electric Vehicles and want to connect with other like-minded people?  In that case you’re hereby invited to join us for our March Monthly Meeting (guests are always welcome!) This month’s meeting will feature a presentation from member Gerry Kopelow who is one of the handful […]

  • CAA Manitoba Electric Vehicle Roadshow

    CAA Manitoba Electric Vehicle Roadshow

    CAA Manitoba has purchased a Nissan Leaf and will be demonstrating it at several locations over the next several weeks.  Come on out and see this award-winning Electric Vehicle!

  • First Canadian Mitsubishi i-MiEV sold in Manitoba

    First Canadian Mitsubishi i-MiEV sold in Manitoba

    Congratulations to MEVA member Ross Redman on receiving his 2012 Mitsubishi i-MiEV yesterday!  Ross is the first Canadian consumer to receive one of these vehicles; a car he wanted so bad that he put down a deposit on it a few years ago! Ross picked up the vehicle at Waverly Mitsubishi yesterday; the event was […]

  • MEVA 1st Annual Founder’s Awards

    MEVA 1st Annual Founder’s Awards

    At this year’s Annual General Meeting two awards were handed out to persons who had effectively helped MEVA in some unique way over the past year.  Dave Connell, Past-President of MEVA created the awards and donated the plaques for this purpose. The first award, the Most Valuable Contributor is awarded to Mychaylo Prystupa of CBC […]

  • MEVA Executive Election results

    MEVA Executive Election results

    MEVA held it’s Annual General Meeting last Thursday, the 24th of November 2011 at the Canad Inns Fort Garry location. Along with a buffet dinner and several educational presentations, we held our Annual Elections for the Executive Committee. Many of the faces are staying the same, however two of the positions now have new faces […]

  • MEVA AGM and Dinner 2011

    MEVA AGM and Dinner 2011

    We will be holding our annual MEVA AGM and Dinner on the 24th of November 2011 to celebrate MEVA’s first year in operation.  All members, guests and interested persons are welcome to attend! When:     24th November 2011 Where: Canad Inns Fort Garry 1824 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg – Ambassador Room “A” Cost: Approx. $15 (includes Aalto’s […]

  • MEVA AGM Meeting 2011 – Election

    MEVA AGM Meeting 2011 – Election

    MEVA will be holding it’s Annual General Meeting on the 24th of November 2011.  We will be conducting a short election for any Executive Committee positions that will be empty, or for those positions that have more than one nomination. The following positions will be vacated by their incumbants as of the AGM: Secretary Member-at-Large […]

  • Tesla Roadster a hit!

    MEVA was pleased to have Keith Bilous, owner of the first Tesla Roadster in Manitoba as our guest at this month’s meeting.  While his car was a hit, Keith proved to be a very good speaker and entertained us with his decision making process to buy the Tesla and his experiences since then.  While he […]

  • MEVAfest 2011 a success – video added Our first public event has come and gone, and despite cooler weather we were very pleased with the turnout for this event.  Approximately 300 people attended at various times of the day, many of whom were able to take a ride in either a production EV or one of our members EV conversions. Thanks […]

  • Come see the Tesla!

    MEVA Meeting: September 29th Our guest for this month’s meeting will be Keith Bilous, owner of the first Tesla Roadster in Manitoba.  Keith will be sharing his experiences with this high-profile Electric Vehicle, and his reasons for wanting to buy one.  Don’t miss the the chance to see this exciting car!

  • MEVAfest – 17 Sep 2011

    What: MEVAfest – a public showcase of Electric Vehicles, Technology and Information When: Saturday, September 17th from 2:00-5:00 pm. Where: Assiniboine Park in front of the Lyric Theatre Why: Because we want to promote EV’s and show everyone what MEVA is all about! Who: Open to the public The event will consist of Production Electric […]

  • Revenge of the Electric Car

    Many of you will remember the 2006 Documentary Who Killed the Electric Car that inspired many of us to explore EV technology for ourselves. Director Chris Paine recently released the sequel The Revenge of the Electric Car to rave reviews. Check out the movie trailer: Films such as this must compete with larger productions in […]

  • MEVA Constitution and Bylaws approved!

    After several months of hard work, careful deliberation by the membership and some last-minute ammendments, we are pleased to announce that MEVA now has a Constitution and list of Bylaws to run our organization by!  Much appreciation needs to be extended to Mike Loewen who was the primary author of these documents.  The ammended documents […]

  • New MEVA Executive

    MEVA’s May meeting has come and gone, and among other activities the task of selecting a new Chairman has been completed. At this time MEVA wishes to congratulate Rob McClement, our new Chairman! Rob has been very involved with the Association since it’s early inception and brings a wealth of ideas and passion for the […]

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