Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association

How to build EVs with wings!

  • 7:00 PM, Thursday, March 26, 2015

    At Lyncrest Airport, 57119 Murdock Road, Winnipeg

    Over the past several years, members of the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association (MEVA) have utilized their many talents and training to convert cars, trucks, tractors, bikes, an SUV and more… to electric vehicles. Members of the Winnipeg Chapter of the Recreational Aircraft Association of Canada (RAA) also bring with them a broad spectrum of experiences and interests. Most pilots in the association are aircraft builders, who are keen to advance aircraft technology.

    Some of these innovative Manitobans are interested in taking to the skies using only electric power. Therefore, the Winnipeg Chapter of RAA invited the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association to a joint meeting to discuss the intriguing challenges of designing and building electric-powered airplanes. Other experts from across North America were invited to this special meeting, too. Indeed, anyone who wished to attend was welcome to join the conversation.

    It was inspiring to see how quickly electric aircraft technology is advancing. From the almost home-made electric plane that Professor Dennis Jacobs built in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota to the superb Sun Flyer, e-plane, being manufactured by George Bye’s company, Aero Electric Aircraft Corporation, in Denver Colorado, they were all truly impressive aircraft. The more than twenty MEVA members and friends in attendance all agreed that this was a very special event.

    A big thanks to Jim Oke, President of the Winnipeg Chapter of the Recreational Aircraft Association of Canada, all of the other presenters, and especially to Professor Jill Oakes, a member of both MEVA and the Recreational Aircraft Association, for organizing this great opportunity to discuss ways to take green technology to new heights. Everyone concurred, we should do it again!





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