Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association

2nd MEVA meeting of 2015

7:00 PM, Thurs., Feb. 26th

Room E2-330 U. of M. Engineering Building, 15 Gilson Street, Winnipeg.

  • Because of the favourable impression MEVA members made on Doug Bedford, the Manitoba Street Rod Association (MSRA) representative who was at our October meeting, the MSRA has invited the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association to have a display at their Rodarama car show, April 24, 25 & 26th. Specifically, MSRA has invited MEVA to display a converted vehicle and the electric bike which MEVA members Matthew Hewlett, Caleb Turon and Dawson Kingston are currently building. Doug will be at Thursday’s meeting to tell us all about the show.

    More good News! Matthew Riesmeyer, Chairman of the University of Manitoba Society of Automotive Engineers, just confirmed that arrangements have been made for MEVA to tour the UMSAE shop Thursday evening. So, we can spend 30 minutes discussing MEVA business: arrangements for the upcoming World of Wheels car show and the Rodarama car show. Then, we can head downstairs to see the early stages of development of this year’s UMSAE electric race car, and talk with some of those Polar Bear Racing Team members.

    See you there!

If you’ve never attended one of our meetings, here’s your chance. Can’t make it this month? No problem, MEVA usually meets the last Thursday of every month (except December) and everyone is welcome.

Please, join us and discover how much fun it is to go green!






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