The first steam-driven, “automatically-mobile” vehicle was hand-built in the late 17th century. In recent decades, more and more automobile production is being done by robots. The robotics technology currently being developed by Tesla Motors is fundamentally changing the automotive industry. Tesla is manufacturing electric cars which can often drive themselves. Before long, all new automobiles will be 100% electric-powered robots.
Now, thanks to Cogmation, an outstanding company of Manitobans, robots are benefitting society in another special way. They are radically improving many children’s ability to learn. Using Cogmation’s Virtual Robotics Toolkit, learning is so much fun that more kids enjoy doing their homework. And the Virtual Robotics Toolkit makes it possible for many more children, especially financially disadvantaged children, to develop the technical and social skills they’ll need to succeed in this age of automation.
No doubt, everyone had fun at this meeting. But, it’s a virtual certainty that MEVA members were extra pleased, because one of the brilliant Manitobans who invented the Virtual Robotics Toolkit is Eric Himbeault, the eldest son of Don Himbeault. Don is the MEVA member who converted his 1954 Austin A40 into an electric vehicle. Clearly, to paraphrase an old saying, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.