Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association

MEVAfest 2012 – Manitoba’s Festival of Electric Vehicles

MEVAfest is a public showcase of Electric Vehicles, Technology and Information.

EV’s are fun to drive!  Low maintenance.  Run on clean, cheap, abundant and renewable energy (cost about 15 cents/litre to run!).  No tailpipe!

Come see the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi i-MiEV and Chevy Volt production EV’s.  See vehicles that have been converted from gas to electric operation!  Talk to the owners and hear about their experiences.

Chauffeured EV rides around  Assiniboine Park!  Experience the quiet acceleration of an Electric Vehicle.  100% torque at 0 RPM!

MEVAfest will be held on Saturday, September 15th 2012, from 2pm to 5pm (raindate: Saturday, September 22nd 2012)

This event will be held in Assiniboine Park at the Lyric Theatre location.

Please help spread the word on this event: download a poster and/or flyer below and share by printing and posting or sending to your friends.

MEVAfest 2012 Poster (PDF)

MEVAfest 2012 Flyer (PDF)





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