Thursday, November 27th, 6:00 p.m. (doors open at 5:30 p.m.) at Fort Whyte Alive! 1961 McCreary Rd., Winnipeg, MB
To make your reservation for the MEVA AGM dinner, email your name and phone number to
Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association (MEVA) members invite everyone to join us for dinner and our Annual General Meeting (AGM), at the Siobhan Richardson Field Station, at Fort Whyte Alive!
This year, the AGM and Dinner will be a very relaxed (no tie) event. Our special guest speaker will be Matthew Riesmeyer, one of the student Executives of the University of Manitoba Society of Automotive Engineers (UMSAE), the second largest university SAE chapter in the world. Matt is going to give us an overview of UMSAE, and perhaps we can convince him to give us some hints about how the UMSAE Polar Bear Racing Formula Electric team is planning to build this year’s electric race car.
Tomorrow evening, we’ll also welcome some of MEVA’s newest members, including three fourteen year old boys who are building an electric bike. They’ve already had it attain speeds over 80 km/h! Incredibly bright young fellows.
Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m., followed by the Annual General Meeting, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will include the election of MEVA Executives for 2015. Only members of the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association will be eligible to vote, so, please join us.
Dinner: $23.50, including tax. Annual MEVA membership: $20.00.
Membership dues and price of supper may be paid by cash or cheque, at the event.
MEVA Elections
Well respected former MEVA executive members Rob McClement (Past-President) and Mike Loewen (Past-Vice-President) have stepped forward to manage the elections. Here is a letter from Rob, giving election details.
Dear MEVA members,
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on November 27th. In addition to an evening of good food and conversation, we will be having our annual elections. All members are eligible to vote. Any member may let let their name stand for election. Please see the adjoining list of the positions to be filled by election, followed by respective descriptions. These are one year terms.
Mike Loewen and I have offered to assist with the election process. Our intent is to have the elections run smoothly, efficiently and democratically.
If you have an interest in serving on the executive of MEVA, please consider putting your name forward for nomination. We plan to have each nominee address those in attendance prior to the vote. It will give the nominee an opportunity to share their vision or qualification for the position with the voters. Two minutes or so would do.
If you are interested and have questions, please contact either Mike Loewen (204) 256-0003 or Rob McClement (204) 745-6477. Let’s have a
healthy democratic process.
Thanks for your consideration!
Rob McClement
The President shall represent the Association as the official spokesperson; serve as an ex-officio member of all Association committees; approve the agenda for each meeting; preside at all meetings of the Association; see that all orders and resolutions of the Executive Committee are carried into effect.
The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during his or her absence; handle arrangements for programs and meetings; co-lead meetings with the President; perform such other duties as the President or the Executive Committee shall prescribe.
The Secretary shall record all votes and minutes of all proceedings; give or cause to be given notice for all meetings; when required, prepare or cause to be prepared and available at each meeting, a list of the names of the members eligible to vote;
keep all the documents and records of the Association in a proper and safe manner;
perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall have custody of the Association funds and securities; keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in the Association books; deposit all money and other valuables in the name of and to the credit of the Association into such depositories as may be designated by the Executive Committee; disburse the funds of the Association as may be ordered or authorized by the Executive Committee and preserve proper vouchers for such disbursements; render to the President and Executive Committee at the regular meetings of the Board, or whenever may be required, an account of all transactions made as Treasurer, and of the financial condition of the Association; submit a written report at the annual meeting of the previous year’s income and expenses; perform such duties as prescribed by the President and/or the Executive Committee.
The Member-at-Large shall conduct projects to further the goals of the Association; develop services for the membership; serve as chair of any ad hoc committee formed to develop such projects; listen to the membership and communicate their issues, needs and interests to the Executive Committee; identify potential problems and opportunities;
work effectively toward common goals as a team member; set objectives and develop action plans for selected and/or assigned projects.
Remember to make your reservation, today, for the MEVA AGM Dinner; email your name and phone number to
This is an opportunity for all EV enthusiasts to show our thanks to the good folks at Fort Whyte for installing an EV charging station in front of the Alloway Reception Centre. We can also bring some well-deserved attention to the many other great examples of environmental leadership being practised at Fort Whyte Alive!
See you there!