Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association

2015 Annual General Meeting

This year, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association (MEVA) will differ from past MEVA Annual General Meetings. His Excellency The Right Honourable Ed Schreyer (retired Governor General of Canada) was asked if he would like to be the featured guest speaker at MEVA’s AGM in November. He said that he would, but he wouldn’t be available until January. Therefore, at the October MEVA meeting, members decided that we should go ahead with our Annual General Meeting in November, but also accept His Excellency’s offer to speak with us in January. Consequently, members decided to make our Annual General Meeting, on Nov. 26, a low key event (no dinner.) In January, we’ll have a very special meeting to listen to The Right Honourable Ed Schreyer, and to celebrate the significant contributions which he has made directly to MEVA and to the EV cause in general.

As some of you know, for the past few years, MEVA members Bruce Little and Noah Erenberg have been making a documentary movie about MEVA for MTS. Bruce has just confirmed that he and Noah will be finished the movie by the end of this year. Therefore, with the Rt. Hon. Ed Schreyer, they will premier the MEVA movie at our special meeting in January.

Regarding our Annual General Meeting in November, let’s prepare the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association for the exciting year ahead. Those of us who are currently members of MEVA can show our steadfast commitment to increasing the use of clean, affordable electric vehicles, by renewing our membership in the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association. For Manitobans who aren’t members yet, but have been contemplating membership in MEVA, this will be an excellent time for them to join us. It will be an opportunity to participate in discussions and votes to increase the effectiveness of this important association. For someone who has never been to a MEVA meeting, this will be an ideal occasion to learn more about the Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association and meet the diverse members.

One of the items on the AGM agenda will be the updating of the constitution. Some features of the original document are clearly out of date!

Also of importance will be the elections of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-At-Large, for 2016. All MEVA members who pay their 2016 membership dues will be eligible to run for office. Likewise, those members who pay their 2016 membership dues will be eligible to vote. Payment of $20.00 membership dues will be accepted at the AGM.

So, we invite everyone to join us at the AGM, in room E2-350 at the University of Manitoba Engineering Building, at 7:00 PM, on Thursday, November 26th. Together we can help more Manitobans discover why electric vehicles are great for the environment, easy to maintain, and so much fun to drive!





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