7:00 PM, Thursday, July 30, 2015
AssentWorks Boardroom, 3rd floor, 125 Adelaide Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
It’s time to prepare for the fifth annual MEVAfest, Manitoba’s fall festival of electric vehicles. The festival is always a special event, but, this year, MEVAfest will be extra special. In the afternoon of Saturday, September 12th, in downtown Winnipeg, MEVAfest will make its first appearance as one of several outstanding festivals which are collectively known as Manyfest. It’s an event, organized by the Downtown Winnipeg Biz, which is attended by tens of thousands of people, every year!
We have plenty to do to get ready. This meeting will be the second last before MEVAfest. So, come and help make the prairie’s very best electric vehicle festival even better. Let’s show more Manitobans how much fun it is to go green!